Go All In For The Win! Hi Church! Do you like a smorgasbord? Do you like buffet style restaurants, like the Golden Corral? Many of us enjoy the wide...
WAGE QUESTIONS???? Hi Church! What is the best defense? In sports, you might say, “a good offense”. What is a good offense when being...
Loving Hands Hi Church! Do you know someone who struggles with an addiction? I am sure you do. We all do. When Jennifer and I were in...
ANSWERS… Hi Church! Have you been praying? I know you have been!! Here are a few answers to your prayers: V.B.S. – The first...
ONE HOUR OF GOOD NEWS… God Stories… Hi Church! Would you agree that evil has been dominating our news for far too long? There is a senseless war going on, evil...
DARE YOU…? Hi Church! Dare you…? “Dare any of you , having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and...
A Response to a Church Report…Insiders Only… Hi Church! We all like good reports, right?! We thank God for good health reports. We appreciate good weather reports. We love to...
A Wise Father Thinks a lot about the God’s “F” word… More Big Answers to Prayer… Hi Church! What does the “f” word stand for? Not what it should be. Unfortunately, it is a word that 20-30 yrs ago...
It is _______________ Time!!! Hi Church! What time is it? You know, RIGHT! It is Bible time! This week we are privileged to have a local Gideon come and share...