Are You Hoping for Something Brand New…
Faith Baptist of Zephyrhills
Wed, Sep 15, 2021
Hi Church!
Do you like things that are brand new? Do you like things that have never been opened, driven, worn, plugged in or started? Do you like the look and sound of a new car, home, furniture, pc, cell phone? I’m sure you do! They are clean, shiny, and without blemishes! But for many people, new is out of their reach. I understand that. Having grown up in a low-median income home, I was accustomed to receiving and working with used things. And even today, we have never owned a new car, home and we still shop for used appliances, books, furniture, tools and auto’s. As a matter of fact, I have never purchased a brand new bow and arrow. Not even a used one. Over the years, I have had four of them graciously given to me by friends and family members. But that is all going to change some day!
There is a day coming when everything is going to be NEW! And I mean everything! We are going to receive a new BODY! Forget about a new car! I want THE new body-style! The one that never
aches, tires or ages! Wow. It is going to be flawless… even better than Tom Brady’s! Imagine that! And we are going to have a new HOME that will not require repairs. And it is going to be a mansion of a place! And on a much larger scale, we are going to live on a new EARTH AND HEAVEN AND UNDER A NEW AUTHORITY! Everything is going to be NEW, because God said that He is going to make ALL things NEW. It almost sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
This Sunday we are going to learn about the last days on this good but old, corrupted, and cursed earth. Unfortunately,I have to tell you that it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. There is going to be a time of trouble like you and I have never seen. There is going to be much worse global troubles and the most evil people in power that this world has ever seen. They will make big promises but they will break them. There are going to be some bad days before God brings an end to it all. That is the good news. It is only for a time.
So are you hoping for something new? I know you are! Like a “perfect” insurance policy, God’s promises have us covered. It will be out with the old and in with the new! God has you covered!
Today I am wearing a brand new pair of shoes that came in the mail yesterday. The soles of my old ones gave way, and it was time for some new ones. They are a new style too. I think I like them!
Finally, please continue to pray for each other. Prayer changes things because prayer can do anything that God can do.
Keep Believing,
Pastor Mike