Faith Baptist of Zephyrhills

Wed, Aug 18, 2021

Hi Church!

They say that you forget about 95% of what you hear within 72 hours. Now that is a very discouraging stat for teachers, and it may explain some other things we tend to forget. However, if you combine hearing with visuals, note taking and discussion, the retention rate goes up dramatically! That is why I use PowerPoints and fill-in the blank outlines. It makes a big difference. There is a sermon that I have never forgotten, and it is my favorite!

Do you have a favorite “sermon”? It is a message that made a lasting impact on your life. You likely remember where it was given and by whom. It SPOKE TO YOU! The one that I have never forgotten is the one that I heard in Brooklyn, Pa while I was sitting in a dimly lit Methodist Church basement at 9 years of age. It was shared by a Child Evangelism Fellowship worker during a release time from school.

At the time, I only went because it got me out of school for an hour or so! But one day it changed my life. The teacher using the Bible and flannel graphs and spoke with a heart of love and compassion, and God used that teacher to open my eyes to the love that Jesus had for me. While showing a picture of Jesus on the cross, she told me that Jesus loved me sooooooo much that he died for my sins. I already knew that I was a sinner. But that day I understood and believed that Jesus had died for me, and I could be forgiven and go to heaven!

On Sunday we are going to look at what has been called the most famous sermon ever given. It is called “The Sermon on the Mount” because it was delivered on a mount by Jesus. It was a VERY DIFFERENT SERMON FROM WHAT PEOPLE HAD BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO HEARING. In it Jesus redefines what it means to be truly “blessed”. He raises the spiritual “bar” and reveals the difference between religion and a relationship with God. Sunday will be a sermon on the sermon that NO ONE COULD FORGET. Don’t miss it!

As you pray for one another, please pray for one another.

I especially want to remind you to pray for the Afghan & Hattian people. What has happened in a few short days in Afghanistan is just sadly indescribable.

It reminds me of two things. One, you can desperately want another people/person to have the life and freedoms that you enjoy, and you can even resource them with the money, training, education, and weapons to have it. But if they are not willing to fight and possibly die for it, it is a lost cause. People must want to change.

Second, we are vulnerable. If you have listened and thought about this very much, you have to be asking yourself how does the most powerful country in the world that has unsurpassed intel and weaponry get disgraced before the whole world. I think we all believed it was time to exit the country but we were clearly underestimated the Taliban and were unprepared. The chaos is inexcusable. We should be humbled by it and holding those in power responsible for their poor leadership.

By Faith,
Pastor Mike