Hi Church! 

Do you remember choosing-up sides for a pick-up game of kickball or another similar game?  If you are gifted, popular, and well known, you are not surprised to hear your name called.   You expect it! 
However, if you are weak, not athletic , and possibly unknown, you stand there dreading the “picking process”.  And you just hope you are not the last one picked, as everyone is walking away. 
Consider this:  God “PICKED” us!  He Chose us!   He called our name!  He wanted us!  At least, I know he chose me, and I trust that you have heard and responded to his call as well.  
Does that amaze you?  Humble you? Do you ever wonder, “why”?  Why would God choose me/you?   
I could go into a long list of reasons, but the one that we will focus on this Sunday is that God chose us because we were the least deserving!  Please read that again.  He looked past and over the strong, seemingly wise, and noble people standing in the front of the pack and said, “I want you, back there!”   Wow! 
No one deserves God’s grace, that is why we call it GRACE!   But in I Corinthians 1 He reminds us that He intentionally chooses the foolish, the weak, and the lowly to make a statement.    Our redemption is a work of God and so is the daily work that he gives us to do. 
I am reminded of that nearly every day!   Every day God does something to give me direction, understanding, help and wisdom that apart from Him I would not have.  He puts people on my path, information in my hands, opportunities in my life, and the strength in my spirit that continually reminds me that HE IS AMAZING!  It is His Spirit working in and through me.   Apart from him, we are nothing, and can do nothing!  
It is this truth that gives the Christian so much confidence!  And even despite troubles, setbacks, and failures, God’s like, “Hey, I got this!” 
The Church at Corinth was a mess!   There were divisions in the church.  People were suing one another, divorcing their spouses, getting drunk and sleeping with prostitutes. They were desecrating the Lord’s supper, and envying others’ spiritual gifts.  Their worship services were filled with chaotic outbursts of unknown chatter!  Yeah, all of that AND MORE! 
On Sunday we will be reminded that there is NEVER A TIME THAT THE CHRISTIAN SHOULD NOT BE CONFIDENT.  Why?  FOR THREE GOOD REASONS!   Join us on Sunday for a REAL CONFIDENCE BUILDER! 
Join us on Sunday as we build our Faith and Confidence in a FAITHFUL God! 
In God’s Good Grip!
Pastor Mike