Hey Church!

Do you like to receive confirmation? 
Every time I make a payment on one of my credit cards by phone, I am asked if I would like to receive a text message confirming my payment.  I always say, “yes” out of a desire for assurance and peace of mind.  It is good to get receipts and copies of important documents. 
Confirmations give Confidence. 
This Sunday we will be learning what the Bible teaches about a christian’s confidence in their confirmation.  Some churches offer a sacrament of confirmation.  What is that, and is that the way to do it? 
Corinthians 1 teaches us much about confirmation and sainthood.   You might be surprised by what  Paul says about these subjects! This week we will ask Paul “Where Does a Christians’s Confidence Come From”? 
We have many needs to be praying for: 
  • Please pray for Chris and Don Stansfield at the passing of Chris’s father.  He passed away on Monday.   
  • Please continue to pray for Richard Muller, he has an upcoming biopsy, possibly this week.
  • Please continue to pray for Jack Crusan, he has an upcoming PET scan on Friday. 
  •  Please continue to pray for Marje Thomas, she is doing very well and expects to be moved to Heartland nursing home soon. 
  • Please pray for Paul Shively who had eye surgery today. 
  • Faith groups are launching this week! Sunday was a great start. There is a group meeting tonight at 7pm.   Be sure to get connected!
Pastor Mike