Hi Church! 

Do you remember saying to your children, or being told as a child, to “get ready for bed”!   I am sure you do.  It meant that it was time to stop what you were doing, shut off the devices, get a shower, brush your teeth, maybe put on some sleeping clothes and turn off the lights.  It was time to go to bed.  One of the most important things for married couples to learn is literally, “how to get ready for bed together”.   You know what I mean…
You might be thinking, do we really still need to be told how to get ready for bed?  Yep!  We sure do!  Research, polls, books, and counseling reveal that most couples of all ages need some help in this area, or at least some reminding.  There are many things that help prepare a couple for a “good night” together.   We will be talking about them on Sunday.   As a short preview, l want you to know some of the things we will be dealing with: 
The Energy Crisis  (people are tired today and doing it less then ever) 
The Desire Dilemma (people’s drives are different and change over time) 
The Trauma (healing from the pain of the past) 
The Wounding Words  (words set the tone for good or bad intimacy,  years ago I remember hearing a great message by Kevin Leman, “Sex Begins in the Kitchen”    Yes, it does. 
The Trouble with Transparency  (being honest & open is essential) 
That is a snapshot of what we will be talking about on Sunday.  If you are going to continually build martial intimacy, these are some of the issues that you are going to have to address.  If you are planning to marry, these are topics to understand.  And no matter how long you have been married, there is still work to be done and progress to be made.   Just like this message, it is still a work in progress as I continue to read and study about this critical topic that the many church’s have neglected to teach about.   
Again, how important is the subject of sex?  We read about it in the second chapter of the Bible! A large section of the wisdom literature in the Bible refers to it.  And without a question, it is the biggest issue facing the church in this generation.  So be sure to know that I am committed to helping you know God’s will and His love in your most intimate relationship. 
In His Good Grip,
Pastor Mike