Who is the Illegitimate…

Faith Baptist of Zephyrhills

Wed, Jan. 12th,2022 11:14 AM

Hi Church!

Who is the illegitimate? There is no such thing as an illegitimate child/person. Every life is legit. and sacred. The Bible clearly teaches and science/ultrasound/scans have proven to show that life begins at conception. A baby’s heartbeat can be detected at just 5 1/2 – 6 weeks of gestation. The heart can be heard long before it can be seen. Give science enough time and tests, and it will eventually reveal what God has said is true since the beginning.

All of this has led to dramatic shift in the legal right to have an abortion. States like Arizona, Texas and Mississippi have recently enacted very strict abortion laws. Did you know there is only one abortion clinic still operating in the state of Mississippi? I pray that you are aware of just how big and historic 2022 is likely to be. Do you know what Dobbs is in reference to? It is a reference to the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear and rule on in 2022.

All eyes are on this case, and all of God’s people should be “watching and praying” about it. Most legal experts believe that the ruling will likely be historic in favor of rolling back abortion rights or overturning Rov v. Wade entirely. That is due to the three more “conservative” Supreme Court justices recently appointed by former President Donald Trump and confirmed by the Senate. A decision by the Court is expected by June. Since the legalization of abortion in 1973 more than 63 million babies have been aborted. Had they been given the opportunity to live, don’t you wonder who they might have been and what they might have done with their life?

This Sunday we will be continuing our series on “LIFE” as we learn about God’s Work in the Womb. It is in the womb that God does His grandest and most mysterious work! It was in the womb that He fashioned and wove you together with precision and purpose. You are not here by chance, and you are not an accident. While some of your parents may have been “illegitimate”, you are not! This is a very important and timely message as we begin a new year and as the highest judges in our land make historic decisions.

Plan to join us at one of our two Sunday services: 9:30 & 11 am. Take notice: As we have been, we will be sending out other important announcements and updated prayer requests to our regular attenders.

In His Good Grip,
Pastor Mike