The White Coat Syndrome…

Faith Baptist of Zephyrhills

Wed. Dec. 15th, 2021

Hi Church!

What are you afraid of? I think everyone fears something, or another. According to the website there are an unlimited number of things that people fear. The American Psychiatric Association identifies three different categories of phobias: social, agoraphobia and specific phobias. 12% of Americans are living in constant fear. Why are we so afraid? What are we afraid of?

Have you heard of the “White Coat Syndrome”? It is when your blood pressure spikes up when you are at the Dr’s office. Here is a personal confession: Mine had done that. Seriously, it has. As that nurse hovers over me and that cuff gets tighter, it will rise to the 140’s over low 80’s. Otherwise, my blood pressure is really good! Most mornings it is really good. When I donated blood two weeks ago it was 122/78 which is nearly perfect. When I was in the hospital, following my accident, my blood pressure was consistently in the 120’s over the 70’s. My resting heart rate is consistently around 50 beats per minute. I am very thankful for a strong and healthy cardiovascular system. It helps to eat well and exercise regularly. Have you heard that before?

But when I go tomorrow morning for my annual health check-up, I am already thinking about controlling my mind and emotions so my blood pressure does not spike up. It’s kinda crazy. But like most men, I do not like going to the Dr. ‘s for anything. I try to avoid the Dr.’s at all costs. But while writing that I have to ask, “Why?” I think I know.

It is related to a fear that something might be wrong with me. I think I am “okay”, or I want to be “okay”, and even if I am not “okay”, you do not need to tell, because I will fix myself! It is sort of a combination of fear and pride. Who wants someone in a “white coat” telling them there is something wrong with them. We would rather not. But that is not just a physical health issue. That is the real, authentic mindset of most people, spiritually speaking! That is until God gets their attention! It normally takes a crisis to get most people’s attention.

When the angels shockingly appeared to the lowly shepherds after the birth of Jesus, the Christ, they were rightfully scared. They got the REAL “white coat syndrome”. They were the “unclean” people of their day. And the “glory of the Lord shone around them”! It was the purest, brightest and most glorious light they had never seen before. It would make any of today’s LED Christmas lights appear dim and weak. As impressed as I am by the lights at Busch Gardens right now, they would not stand a chance to what the shepherds saw on that day. The glory of Heaven came down to Earth.

But what did the angels say to the shepherds? Did they say “BOO, you dirty, unclean men!” No, they said, “do NOT be afraid!” Why? A Savior is born, born to YOU! Read that again. A Savior is born. Most people live their entire lives afraid of God. They have the real “white coat syndrome” They fear what God might say, so they avoid God and “godly” encounters, that includes going to church, reading the Bible, or having Christian friends. They prefer to live “in the dark”. They would rather think that they are “okay” and even if they are not, they will try to fix themselves. That does not work and it is a big mistake. And, it will cost them much, much more than their physical well-being.

Plan to join us on Sunday as we better understand that regardless of what is going on in our world and in our lives, we do not need to live in fear. I am praying that God will use this message to bring you true peace and goodwill this Christmas!

Be on the lookout soon for another email with some updates, including a updated prayer list.

In God’s Good Grip,
Pastor Mike