Faith Baptist of Zephyrhills

Sat. Dec. 4th, 2021

Hi Church!

What is your claim to fame? We all probably have at least one. It is interesting that when we first meet others, we often share what others would deem significant relationships and accomplishments. Maybe back some time in our past we won a significant award, or set some sort of a record. When hunting stories start being told, I often share the fact that in 1990 my father shot the 3rd largest rack elk in the state of New Mexico with a bow and arrow. It was a 8×7 monster that raw scored over 400 points. It is huge and the full shoulder mount hangs in my mother’s cathedral ceiling sunroom today. Are you impressed, lol! Or, when it comes to a more recent personal accomplishment, I tell some exercise and endurance enthusiasts about my top ten finish in my age category at the Dade City Savage Race. Are you impressed? Just asking that question, sort of puts the act in perspective. Over time, who really cares about those things?

Maybe we have a connection to a famous person by birth, or by our school days or even from a special event or activity that we attended. We begin with statements like “I am related to…” Or, “I once got my picture taken with…” Again, when it comes to things like this, I often share a few seconds that Jennifer and I had with Mike Huckabee, who at the time was running for President of the United States of America. Wooooooow, lol! And we even have a picture to prove it! Are you impressed? Probably not. Truthfully, someday no one will hardly even remember who Mike was!
So what is the only lasting and meaningful connection in life? What and who gives us true value and significance? What is the greatest and most “impressive” relationship to be in? It is the one that we have with THE KING! THe King of kings, Jesus Christ. My “claim to fame” is having a close and eternal relationship with the the creator and maker of all things!

There was a time in a man’s life when he took great pride in his place and origin of birth. He reveled in his high education and grades. He felt significant because of the money he made, and the awards he won for his passion and boldness in his work. He lists all of these in Philippians 3. And then he says that their true “value” is worth no more than a small pile of trash or manure. Just rubbish! Wow. He came to a point in his life when he realized that the things that he thought were worth so much were just “junk” and having and knowing Jesus was everything!

It was his understanding of who Jesus was and what Jesus did that redirected all of his energies and passions on a new and meaningful mission in life. He was still Paul, but he was a transformed man. This Sunday we are going to learn about his NEW AND GREATER VISION IN LIFE, and how and why he was able to accomplish so much in his life. There are some valuable lessons to be learned from his life. Truthfully, Paul’s attitude and mindset is an example for any one who wants to WIN IN LIFE!

Join us on Sunday at 9:30 am as we look at The Claim to Fame and a Winning Attitude.

Also, we have some other awesome plans for Sunday that you do not want to miss out on:

3 individuals are going public with their faith and getting baptized!
We have our special meeting to act on our new missions policy and solar panel project.
And, we wrap it all up with a really nice dinner!

It is going to be a great day at Faith. I can’t wait to see you there!

In His Good Grip,
Pastor MIke

PS – Do not forget that the Festival of LIghts parade is tonight at 7pm on Main Street in Zephyrhills. Many people came out this week and put together an AWESOME FLOAT! We will be playing music, handing out fliers and candy. So if you can walk in the parade with us, meet us at 5:45 pm at the Church!

Sunday Bulletin, 12-05-21