The Sign Over the Barn Door… Life’s 2nd Most Important Question…

Faith Baptist of Zephyrhills

Oct. 22nd, 2021

Hi Church!

What does the front door of your home look like? Do you have any fall decorations or signs around it?

Front door entrances make a statement. They convey a message. When building a home, most people give a lot of thought to the size, color, windows, trim and other things around their front door. It is interesting how much just painting an old front door can change the appearance of a house.

When my dad built the new entrance to our milking barn, he had a big, beautiful sign made to hang above the door. The words were written in calligraphy on a 4′ x 8′ sheet of plywood, and it read, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and all that dwell therein.” Ps. 24:1 It made a strong statement. My dad understood that his farm belonged to God. The land, the animals, and everything and everyone belonged to God. He made it, and He owns it. Therefore, we are his stewards, caretakers. Our names will only be on a title or deed for a short time and then someone else will be entrusted with it.

It was impossible to not see the sign above the barn door. Every day, many times a day, I saw it and so did everyone else that came through that front door. It took some time for me to fully understand and appreciate the message. But over time the truth of that sign instilled in me a correct view of life, time and possessions. God owns everything, and I am his caretaker.

Jesus reinforced this truth with a powerful story that is referred to as the parable of the talents. You can read it in Matthew 25:14-30. It is a short story that is filled with truth that is easy to understand to anyone who is eager to learn. Let me wet your appetite for Sunday’s message with a few BIG POINTS:

Each one of us starts out in life with an appropriate “talent”,
Each one of us is granted an adequate amount of time to “invest” it,
Each one of us will be held rightfully accountable for what we did with it,
and Each one of us will be compensated with an appropriate reward!

Do you know what the two most important questions that you will ever be asked are? The first, “what did you do with Jesus?” Your answer to that question will determine your eternal destination. And second, “what did you do with what I gave you?” Your answer to that question will determine what you receive in heaven.

God has made it clear that He expects a return from his costly investment in us. It is sort of like the saga going on with the Philadelphia 76’ers. They invested 177 million dollars in a player named Ben Simmons. And because of some hard feelings due to his own poor play, he doesn’t want to show up for work. Kind of crazy-stupid, if you ask me. But let me assure you, God has invested much, much more in me and you, and he doesn’t want to hear any excuses for not showing up!

Join us on Sunday as we learn together “HOW TO INVEST YOUR LIFE”. You can do one of three things with your life, you can waste it, spend it or invest it. Friends, please do not waste your life.

Invested in You,
Pastor Mike

Sunday Bulletin, 10-24-21