Gardening for Dummies… Good Dirt!
Faith Baptist of Zephyrhills
Oct. 16th, 2021
Hey Church!
There is a nearly unlimited number of books for “Dummies” on the market. If you want to learn how to do it, they sell the “how to”. Although, if we are honest, most of us do not like to be called dummies! But I love their mission statement: “Learning Made Easy” They take the unfamiliar wording out and break things down into simple steps. Complex projects become easier to understand and complete.
In many ways, Jesus was the originator of learning made easy. He took everyday familiar tasks, experiences and work and used it to teach spiritual truth. Parables make learning easy. They are kingdom of heaven truth for earth dwellers, like you and me.
This Sunday we are going to look at a task that most all of us have engaged in: gardening/planting. At some time all of us have planted a seed or two, or if you are like me thousands. Every year on our farm and the farms that we rented, we planted 100-200 acres of corn and another 100-200 acres of different grass seeds.
When it comes to planting there are some essentials to having a good harvest. One of the most important things is the condition of the soil. A lot of time has to go into preparing the soil. It has to be cultivated well, the rocks need to be removed, and the weeds kept out.
So join us tomorrow as we learn the essentials to Spiritual Growth. We are going to learn why some never germinate, why others growth becomes stunted, why some do well for a while but fall away and what it takes to become a healthy growing follower of Jesus.
See you at 9:30 am!
Growing with you,
Pastor Mike
PS: I LOVE YOU, our CHURCH! We are better together!