A WELL-KEPT SECRET… back up and running!

Faith Baptist of Zephyrhills

Sat, Aug 14, 2021

Hi Church!

What is your secret? You say, I am not telling! That is why it is a secret. They say that the average person has 13 secrets. That seems like a lot to me! I am sure that we all have personal experiences that we prefer not to share with others. At least, not with too many people. In most cases, that is wise.

Does God keep secrets? As for his character and actions, the answer is an emphatic no! There is nothing that God has to “hide” about himself. Quite the contrary, God wants us to know him intimately. He is pure goodness!

And God has gone a step further. He not only tells us who He is, God often tells us what he is going to do before he does it. 26% of the Bible is prophetic. Over and over, God foretold events before they occurred.

Much of the OT book of Daniel is prophetic. In Daniel God reveals big “secrets” to his beloved servant, Daniel. THrough dreams and visions, He shows Daniel the future of world powers and events. Tomorrow we are going to look at one of the most amazing and significant prophecies given. It is found in Daniel 9. God tells Daniel how many years there will be until the end of time.

Be sure to join us at 9:30 am.

FYI: this is coming out a little late because some of our equipment was damaged by a lightning strike on Thursday. It was one of those lightning shows in FL. So we will be doing our media a little differently tomorrow.

Have a good evening!
Pastor Mike

Sunday Bulletin, 08-15-21